The Shells of Enticement at Good 2 Go Taco
Good 2 Go Taco-Rated 4.8 Stars TXmb
When the passionate throws of taco desire consume your stomach, choices must be made. You must ask yourself, what it is you are looking for in said taco, breakfast delight or lunch love. How much am I willing to spend on said taco? And finally, how are we feeling about the salsa factor here, important or nah?

Good 2 Go Taco feels hidden. It doesn’t stand out and say, “Look at me Texas, I’m a taco joint.” Rather, this place smiles and teases from a distance without making bold assumptions of itself.
I found them on a random hungered morning. Around 8:30am or so, a grumbling belly and need for caffeine got the best of me. Inside, it’s modern and friendly. To the left you can grab a tasty cup of dripping Joe from Cultivar, or go latte or macchiato. While waiting my eyes got familiar with the words of scruptiousity covering the walls. First visit, I tacoed lightly and went for the breakfast sort. Tators and chorizo, that’s all, no eggs. Because, I don’t actually love eggs in my breakfast tacos.

My Joe was up, and a half second later, my taco was ready too. I grabbed the brown bag and headed out the door. Opening the bag, slight peppery scents of chorizo made my nostrils acquaintance, soon it would be belly’s turn. Two tiny cups of salsa lay inside as if they were both eagerly waiting to top the taco. I dipped my finger in the chunky green verde salsa. Magnificent. But my stomach longed for the tomato, cilantro, salsa standby.

I lightly parted the tiny flour shell and poured generous amounts of chunky red on cheesy, chorizo, potato glory. Bite. And then taco life was introduced to my tongue. Two more bites, and the tiny taco was no more. The slight grease and spectacular spice of the chorizo and fresh potato created a magnificent marriage, and the cheese, well that’s just splendidness personified.
I went back a second time. This time I was caught up in pulled pork, pico passion. Hints of pepper and luscious queso greeted me at first bite. By bite three we’d eloped. Today, we are living a very comfortable and fulfilling life together. TXmb
Where to find them- 1146 Peavy Rd. Dallas, TX. 75218
That whole parking thing- Parking is a weeeee bit on the tight side my friends. Though Good Friends Burger is next door in the same building so you may be able to use their parking. As always check it out comrades.